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Lock Pickers Mall







Product Description

CO-11 "SUPER SLIM JIM" -- Still a workhorse after a few dozen years!




Who hasn't heard of a Slim Jim? . . . and I'm not talking about jerked beef here.

The Slim Jim has been around since I can remember and I was using them when I first started Locksmithing back in 1983. I'm sure they were being used decades before that.

The era in which slim jims were all that were necessary to open vehicles is long gone, but this does not mean they cannot be useful in modern times.  A great many cars and trucks manufactured before about 1986 can be easily opened with this tool, and with a bit of cleverness they can be effective on a few of the newer designs as well.  You can be certain of one thing -- you'd have to look long and hard to find a locksmith shop that does not have several of these in their arsenal.

One note of caution is in order:  Due to the extraordinary reputation of the 'slim jim' as an all-purpose car opening tool (one that is not actually deserved simply because they cannot open ALL models as some people seem to think), beginners are likely to misuse the tool, using it more as a battering ram than a tool that requires skill to use properly.  How many times have you seen movies in which a slim jim is produced and then jammed down into a car door as if to beat the door mechanism into submission?  This is NOT how to use a slim jim.  Take some time to learn proper use of it, and you'll find yourself becoming quite fond of this old staple.

And because it's true that the lowly slim jim still has relevence, you might even wish to buy an assortment, such as our AKSJ set.

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